
english / 欧洲杯下单平台-欧洲杯买球平台官网



18022122262    中国十佳涂料外墙品牌

eligibility for joining

more than 80% current partners of nantian come from product fields of natural stone paint, liquid granite, artistic texture coating, rock slice paint, sand gel paint, water-based metallic paint, etc.the reason is very simple. a partner of us once said, "currently, more and more new buildings or reconstructed buildings select true-stone paint for the exterior wall. there must be a very big opportunity."the average annual growth rate of the coating industry is 20%, and the size of coating consumption market is more than rmb 300 billion.the rapid development of china's economy drives the rapid development of real estate industry. as a must for the industry of building materials, the market will be bigger and bigger.the rural coating market has great potential. the opportunity resulted from the construction of new rural area will result in a batch of upstarts of the industry of building materials.the construction of security housing more than ten million sets per year will renew the growth rate of coating market, thus resulting in a larger market size.the whole house painting projects and old house refurbishment projects have led to a revolution for coating selling, making the sales amount for each customer rise to rmb 8,000 from rmb 1,500.comparing with other building material industry, the coating industry has low threshold, requires low investment, and results in good return.


